Learn the Major Scales

The key to working on technique is repetition. These exercises work towards the end goal of playing up and down the Major Scale, up and down the arpeggio, and up and down the scale in thirds. Each aspect of the end exercise is broken down into smaller, repeated steps, working towards mastery before moving on to the next step.

By playing through the entire set of exercises, players will be familiar with each note before attempting the final stage.

Please note that the scale packages are transposed from concert pitch for each instrument, starting on Bb concert and ascending in half steps. This is so multiple players of different instruments can play along together with the same tracks in order (like in a music class). Parts for C, Bb, Eb, F, and Bass Clef instruments are included (all 12 Major Keys).

Accompaniment videos help keep things moving and on track (available here). In just over 11 minutes, students will be much more familiar with that Major Scale.